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Cost/Schedule Trade-Off Tool

Publication No
Excel spreadsheet
Publication Date
Jan 01, 2007
Research Team
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To assist the decision maker in identifying opportunities for trade-off between cost and schedule, the research team developed an Excel® based tool. This user-friendly tool evaluates the degree of tradeoff and assists in identifying techniques to optimize cost and schedule.

The CSTT is designed to accomplish the following:

  • Analysis of project drivers to rank importance of the drivers in the trade-off decision.
  • Quantify the trade-off between cost and schedule based on the drivers and set a scale to measure it.
  • Using this scale and the input from the impact assessment surveys, techniques are ranked by their relative effectiveness to achieve the trade-off.
  • Based on analysis, lists of applicable techniques are provided for each project phase individually as well as for the whole project.
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Research Topic
Trade-Off Between Cost and Schedule
Cost, Schedule, Cost-Schedule Trade-Off Tool, CSTT, rt214