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RT-398 (

Objective and Questions

The ultimate goal of this project is to demonstrate the value proposition of CII research by increasing its visibility and use within CII member companies. The main objective of this research is to develop a F4P handbook that can direct CII member companies with different project types and levels of complexity to relevant CII knowledge and implementation resource tools. Specific research questions to be considered include:
  • (Essential question) What is the best way to provide CII member companies with targeted recommendations for enhancing project success considering the different project characteristics, attributes, complexity, and maturity levels of their project management organizations? Or in other words, identify which CII tools and implementation guides (F4P) really matter.
  • How can such a guide consider the unique needs of CII companies and their capital facility projects?
  • How to distill information about CII practices and tools into simple tactical recommendations for projects considering project complexity?
Expected Outcomes

The primary expected outcome of this project is a F4P implementation resource whose clearly defined complexity criteria can efficiently direct users to relevant CII research knowledge, no matter the project type or maturity level of the CII organization. The resources may include a proof-of-concept tool with a simple user interface that would identify which CII Knowledge Base resources would be best suited for each project while considering project complexity. The outcomes should include:
  • A description of standard best practice procedures that are foundational to the success of conventional capital projects with linkages to key CII tools and implementation resources.
  • The identification of complexity attributes and criteria for describing different project complexity levels (e.g., low, medium, and high).
  • A description of strategies for addressing each type and degree of complexity with linkages to CII products.
Launched 2022