CII Best Practices Handbook
Best practices improve performance not only in terms of cost, schedule, and safety, but they also increase the consistency and predictability of project performance. By improving the consistency of project delivery, a company will have a better chance of improving project performance over the long term. This combined benefit of best practice use will likely give companies a distinct competitive advantage.
Since the previous CII Best Practices report was published, CII launched the 10-10 Program, a Performance Assessment effort designed to assess, in each project phase, the organizational issues that affect project performance, as well as the outcomes of each project phase. The data from the 10-10 Program served as the basis for the 2016 CII Value of Best Practices Report, which provided insights into which practices could provide more benefit if they were better implemented by CII members, and which practices already have high scores and are providing benefits in terms of project phase outcomes. Visualizing these differences and assessing the impacts of each practice provide an opportunity to better guide CII members through the project life cycle, and other insights in the best timing for implementing practices.