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In Search of Partnering Excellence

Publication No
Publication Date
Jul 01, 1991
Research Team
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Partnering offers many opportunities to participants in the U.S. construction industry to improve the total quality and cost effectiveness of construction projects, while developing an atmosphere much more conducive to innovation, teamwork, trust and commitment. Partnering also can enhance U.S. competitiveness in the worldwide marketplace. Rather than a new contract system, partnering is an improved process for cooperative business relations.

Partnering requires a long-term process to evaluate entering into a relationship. It also requires a long-term process to select a partner and implement the relationship. Cultural change is required by all parties to achieve success. It can be used by either large or small businesses, for either large or small projects. Relationships can be developed among all participants in construction: owner-contractor, owner-supplier, contractor-supplier and contractor-contractor.

Several partnering relationships are now in existence. Despite their limited experience, most are optimistic about the potential for future success. Many other companies are considering entering into partnering relationships.

Partnering is an excellent vehicle for attaining TQM in the construction process. An effective partnering relationship will facilitate improved quality by replacing the adversarial atmosphere of traditional business relationships with a team approach to achieve common goals. Team members can challenge directives when the impact on the work affects quality or is disproportionate to the benefits. The potential for improved quality also is increased due to a better understanding of project scope and an atmosphere more conducive to implementing new technologies.

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Best Practice
Research Topic
Partnering, Total Quality Management, Continuous Improvement, Cost Effectiveness, Effective Utilization of Resources, Shared Risks, Partner Selection, rt18