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Dear CII Members, 

We extend our gratitude to all CII members who actively contributed to the development of 43 innovative ideas submitted for the CII 2023-24 Ideation Process. Your dedication and insight are greatly appreciated. 

We are pleased to announce a significant milestone: the CII Ideation Task Force has completed its evaluation process and has selected 11 standout ideas for proposal to the CII Board of Advisors (BOA) at the upcoming Fall BOA Meeting. 

The work of the Task Force, composed of representatives from the Executive Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Deployment Committee, and Funded Studies Committee, followed these steps: 

  • Initiation: The first meeting set the foundation by outlining the evaluation process and introducing the 43 ideas identified by various CII groups. 

  • Review and Preliminary Selection: An "offline" review of the ideas ensued, accompanied by the preliminary identification of preferred ideas. 

  • Refinement and Discussion: Ideas were discussed and categorized based on feasibility and potential impact during the second meeting, further refining the selection. 

  • Final Evaluation: The third meeting permitted another round of deliberation and voting, ultimately defining the list of ideas to be presented to the CII Board of Advisors. 

The selected ideas encompass those that garnered the most support during the final voting round. The CII team will now collaborate with idea sponsors (the groups that submitted the ideas) to address questions and suggestions, striving to enhance these concepts before the Board of Advisors meeting. 

The BOA meeting will serve as a final platform for discussion before we select the ideas to be funded in 2024. You can see the list of screened ideas at the end of this message. 

Member engagement in generating, prioritizing, and advancing these ideas is instrumental in shaping the future of CII. We look forward to the exciting developments ahead. 

Best regards, 

Daniel Oliveira 

List of selected ideas for final discussion at Fall BOA: 

  • Advanced planning guide for modularization 

  • AI for AWP development initiative building on RT-391 recommendations 

  • AWP certification program 

  • Implementation of CII Best Practices for small projects  

  • CII program for the next generation of leaders 

  • Model-based deliverables for capital projects 

  • AI-driven interactive system to enhance safety 

  • Digital threads and virtual construction model guidelines for digital project delivery / enhancing AWP through expanded digital threads 

  • Change management as key to effective implementation of CII Best Practices 

  • Standard KPIs / metrics for AWP 

  • Introductory-level CII Best Practices course for future leaders