University of Texas Engineering School's Research Paper Selected by Prestigious ASCE Journal
Paper Features CII's Technology & Innovation Committee's VR Project!
Measuring the Impact of Immersive Virtual Reality on Construction Design Review Applications: Head-Mounted Display versus Desktop Monitor was just selected by the top journal in our field, the ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management for the Editor's Choice Section: outstanding paper is authored by PhD student, Bing Han, and Dr. Fernanda Leite, and is based on the work of CII TC-02, Virtual Reality in Construction.

"This is a very prestigious honor and I am so proud of my PhD student Bing Han, first author in this paper and the student that supported the research team as GRA in TC-02 to have been selected for the Editor's Choice." - Dr. Fernanda Leite
Congratulations to Bing Han, Dr. Leite, and the team!